Sukta 6
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : vishnu , chanda : brahmi tirshtup , nivyad trishtup , swara : dhaithava )
ghruthaachyasi juhurnaamnaa saedam priyaena dhamnaa priyang
sada aaseeda ghruthaachyasyupabrunnaamnaa saedam priyaena dhamnaa
priyang sada aaseeda ghruthaachyasi dhruvaa naamnaa saedam
priyaena dhaamnaa priyang sada aaseeda priyaena dhamna priyang
sada aaseeda. dhruvaa asadannrutasya yaunau taa vishanu
paahi paahi yajnam paahi yajnapathim paahi maam yajnanyam
Oh vessel for the yagna , you are filled with butter, the ahuti is done on yagna on your name. let you sit on this favorite spot of yours.
the verses have deeper meaning. but this is just a mere translation.
Sukta 7
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : brihathi , swara : madhyama)
agnae vaajajidvaajam twaa sarishyandam vaajajithang sammarjmi.
namau devaebhya: swadhaa pithrubhya: suyamae mae bhuyaastham.
Oh the lord (agni) who commands worship , you are the victorious in the battle among internal conflicts. We bow to you and there by bow to all those who occupy the positions of devas. We bow to our ancestors too. Let the indifferent wisdom in us being made steadfast by our ancestors and devas.
Sukta 8
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : vishnu , chanda : viraad brahmi , pankti , swara : panchama: )
askannamadya devaebhya aajyang sambhriyaasamang ghrinaa
vishnau maa twaavakramisham vasumatheemagnae tae chhayaamupastaesham vishnau:
staanamaseetha indrau veeryamakrunaudurdhaudhwara aasthat.
I am offering the water like "gritha" as "aajya". Let the nature gives the blessings to me. Let with my footsteps, the yagna should not be intervened. I, let me reaches near you the one who is the citadel of all prosperity(vishnu) ; in unison. Let me be steadfast in the center of the yagna. Let the owner of this world (indra) takes the yagna to the higher realms and exhibit its goodness and glorify it.
Sukta 9
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : agni, chanda: jagati , swara : nishaada)
agnae vaerhotram vaerdootyamavathaam twaam dyaavaapruthvi ava
twam dyaavaapruthvi swishtakruddaevaebhya indra aajyaena havishaa
bhootswaha sam jyothishaa jyothi:
Oh agni , as a priest , as a messenger , let you take up these duties and carry forth the ajya , the havi to indra and all , you be protected by the earth and skies.
Sukta 10
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : indra , chanda : durig brahmi pankti , swara : panchama )
mayeedamindra indriyam dadhatwasmaan raayau makhavaana: sachanthaam.
asmaakang sandwaashisha: satyaa na: sandwaashisha upahoothaa
prithvi maathaupa maam prithvi maatha hwayathaamagniraagneedhraat swaha
Let my senses be made powerful by the lord. Let me receive vast riches from the devas who bestow the riches. Let the blessings that is given be ours. Let the blessings we receive be manifested into truthful realities. We bow and offer our respects to the mother earth. Let the mother earth shower upon us with her blessings. Let the lord agni stay in full grandeur and thus we offer.
Aghora - A true Treatise | Rig Veda | Yajur Veda | Atharva Veda | Aitareya, Kaushitaki Brahmanas |Yagna Workbook
Here are a set of sacred texts authored by a highly evolved being who chooses to stay anonymous. All documents made available here contain sacred verses which are to be solely read for their spiritual richness, depth and for the purpose of gaining awareness and understanding. They are not meant for practice, except under the guidance of a master
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
Chapter 2 - Sukta1 to Sukta5
Sukta 1
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi ,devata: yagna , chanda: nichyat gayathri , swara : panchama)
krishnausyakharaeshtaegnayae twa justam praukshaami
vedirasi barhishae twa justam praukshaami barhirasi
syugbhyastwaa justam praukshaami
Yagna , you are nourishing the ever divine attractive agni , the place where it to glow abundantly is yagna vedi. Now I am inviting the kusha grass. you are being purified by me and the purified darbha grasses are requesting to the utensils of the yagna, I am purifying you.
Sukta 2
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : yagna , chanda : swarad jagathi , swara: nishaad)
aadithyae vyundanamasi vishnau stuposyoornamradasam twaa
strunaami swasastaam devaebhyo bhuvapathayae swaha
bhuvanapathayae swaha bhoothaanam patayae swaha
You (vishnu) are the one who provides water to the earth, with yagna you are being crowned, let me cover you with darbha grass, the dharba grass which i am using to cover you again and again ; its all soft, let u reside on all folks who have the divine wisdom, my salutation to the celestial owner of the lands and the houses, my salutations to celestial owner of the five subtle elements.
Sukta 3
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : durigarchi trishtup , durigarchi pankti , swara : dhaivatha , panchama)
gandharbhastwaa vishawaavasu: parithadhaatu vishwasyaarishtyae
yajamaanasya paridhirasyagnirignaeeeditha: indrasya baahurasi
dakshinau vishwasyaarishtya yajamaanasya paridhirasyagnirignaeeeditha:
mithravarunau twottharatha: paridhathaam dhruvena dharmanaa
vishwasyaarishtyae yajamaanasya paridhirasyagnirignaeeeditha:
The one who is the lord of all the prosperity that is pervading on the earth, the one who holds the earth steadfast, the one who is the most strong, I place you firmly here on the ground for the protection. You are the much needed fuel for the one who conceived the yagna. Oh lord, you command worship in the very essence you are to be prayed to. For the protection of everything including the dharma, let the vayu and surya, place you firmly here.
Sukta 4
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : agni , chanda: nichyat gayathri , swara : shadja)
veethihotram twaa kavae dyumandang sameedheemahi. agnae bruhandamadhwarae
The one who always shows his interest to yagnas, oh agni, let you be nourished by
"Oja". The one who can see every events and beings, the one who decorates the grand seat of excellence, the one who is the lord of everything in totality, oh agni, with you we nourish this yagna
Sukta 5
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : yagna , chanda : nichyut brahmi brihati , swara : madhyama)
samidasi sooryastwaa purasthath paathu kasyaaschidabhishasthyae
savithurbahu sta oornamadrasam twaa strunaami swaasastham.
devaebhya aa twaa vasavau rudraa aadityaa: sadanthu.
Oh! the one abodes here, although there are certain level of qualityless nature in you, let the lord soorya protect you. .Oh agni, you are the embodiment of hands of that grandeour which created the entire cosmos. With darbha grass, I am creating a seat and keeping it here. Let the learned men come and sits here. Let the young, old, elderly ones who adhere to sanyasa let them all be present within you.
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi ,devata: yagna , chanda: nichyat gayathri , swara : panchama)
krishnausyakharaeshtaegnayae twa justam praukshaami
vedirasi barhishae twa justam praukshaami barhirasi
syugbhyastwaa justam praukshaami
Yagna , you are nourishing the ever divine attractive agni , the place where it to glow abundantly is yagna vedi. Now I am inviting the kusha grass. you are being purified by me and the purified darbha grasses are requesting to the utensils of the yagna, I am purifying you.
Sukta 2
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : yagna , chanda : swarad jagathi , swara: nishaad)
aadithyae vyundanamasi vishnau stuposyoornamradasam twaa
strunaami swasastaam devaebhyo bhuvapathayae swaha
bhuvanapathayae swaha bhoothaanam patayae swaha
You (vishnu) are the one who provides water to the earth, with yagna you are being crowned, let me cover you with darbha grass, the dharba grass which i am using to cover you again and again ; its all soft, let u reside on all folks who have the divine wisdom, my salutation to the celestial owner of the lands and the houses, my salutations to celestial owner of the five subtle elements.
Sukta 3
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : durigarchi trishtup , durigarchi pankti , swara : dhaivatha , panchama)
gandharbhastwaa vishawaavasu: parithadhaatu vishwasyaarishtyae
yajamaanasya paridhirasyagnirignaeeeditha: indrasya baahurasi
dakshinau vishwasyaarishtya yajamaanasya paridhirasyagnirignaeeeditha:
mithravarunau twottharatha: paridhathaam dhruvena dharmanaa
vishwasyaarishtyae yajamaanasya paridhirasyagnirignaeeeditha:
The one who is the lord of all the prosperity that is pervading on the earth, the one who holds the earth steadfast, the one who is the most strong, I place you firmly here on the ground for the protection. You are the much needed fuel for the one who conceived the yagna. Oh lord, you command worship in the very essence you are to be prayed to. For the protection of everything including the dharma, let the vayu and surya, place you firmly here.
Sukta 4
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : agni , chanda: nichyat gayathri , swara : shadja)
veethihotram twaa kavae dyumandang sameedheemahi. agnae bruhandamadhwarae
The one who always shows his interest to yagnas, oh agni, let you be nourished by
"Oja". The one who can see every events and beings, the one who decorates the grand seat of excellence, the one who is the lord of everything in totality, oh agni, with you we nourish this yagna
Sukta 5
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : yagna , chanda : nichyut brahmi brihati , swara : madhyama)
samidasi sooryastwaa purasthath paathu kasyaaschidabhishasthyae
savithurbahu sta oornamadrasam twaa strunaami swaasastham.
devaebhya aa twaa vasavau rudraa aadityaa: sadanthu.
Oh! the one abodes here, although there are certain level of qualityless nature in you, let the lord soorya protect you. .Oh agni, you are the embodiment of hands of that grandeour which created the entire cosmos. With darbha grass, I am creating a seat and keeping it here. Let the learned men come and sits here. Let the young, old, elderly ones who adhere to sanyasa let them all be present within you.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Chapter 1 - Sukta26 to Sukta31
Sukta 26
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi ; devatha : savitr , chanda : durig brahmi , pankti , swara: panchama)
aparaarum prithivyaee devayajanaadwadhyaasam vrajam gaccha gaushtaanam
varshathu tae dyaurbadhaana deva savitha: paramasyaam prithivyaang
shathena paashaeryauyosmandaeshti yam cha vayam dwishmastamamathau
maa mauk. ararao divam ma paptho drapsastae dyaam maa skan
vajram gaccha gaushtaanam varshathu tae dyaurbadhaana deva savitha:
paramasyaam prithivaang shathena paashaeryauyosmandaeshti yam
cha vayam dwishmastamamathau maa mauk.
Let me remove the evil that is over the respectful mother earth. Lets move to the cattlesheds. Let the sky blesses the rains. let the one's we hate and the one who hates us being sent away by the divine lord. Let them be not sent against us in this earth. oh evil enemy, let any type of divine blessings or radiance be not bestowed upon you. Let the coming generations of you be also devoid of the same. (repetition of the first line follows)
Sukta 27
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : yagna , chanda : brahmi pankti , swara: madhyama rishabha , dhaivatha)
gayathrena twa chandasa parigruhnaami traishtubhena twa
chandasaa parigruhnaami jaagathena twa tadhandasaa parigruhnaami
sukhshmaa chaasi shivaa chaasi syonaa chaasi sushadaa chaasyuurjaswathee chaasi payaswathee cha
Oh goddess bhoomi, I am attaching to you in matrimony with the chandas gayathri. The one who is the abode, the shiva I am attaching to you in matrimony with the trishtup and jagathi chandas too. You are the place which is the right for living. With the abundance of energy and milk, you are complete
Sukta 28
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : yagna , chanda : virad brahmi , pankti , swara : panchama)
pura kroorasya vishrupau virapshinnudaadaaya prithveem jeevadanum
yaamairayamschandramasi swadhabhistaamu dheerausauanudishya
yagandae praukshaneeraasaadaya divishathau vadhoyasi.
Oh the creator of the world, for the smooth propagation and continuation of life on earth, let the food and the comforts be provided by the comfort provider; the moon. For the purpose of the same, the rishi's have embarked upon the yagnas and other austerities. Bring forth the water for sprinkling. You are the vanquisher of the enemies who have hatred.
Sukta 29
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : yagna , chanda : trishtup , swara : dhaivatha)
prathyushtang raksha: prathyustaa araathayau nishtapthang rakshau
nishtapthaa araathaya:. anishithossi sapatnakshidwaajinam twaa
vaajaedhyaayae sammarjmi. prathyushtang raksha: prathyustang araa
thayau nishtapthang rakshau nishtapthaa araathaya: anishithossi
sapatnakshidwaajinam twaa vaajaedhyaayae sammarjmi
The symbols of evils have come to an end. The representations of rakshasas also have come to an end. These are all the root causes for sorrow. Without an attack, through the conductor of the yagna, the enemies have been destroyed. The complete embodiment of oja, oh yagna for the greatness of you, we are purifying you.
Sukta 30
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : yagna , chanda : nichyat jagati , swara : nishada)
aadityae raasnaasi vishaanaurveshyauyausyurje twabdhaena twa chakshushaavapashyaami
agnaerjihwasi suhoordevaebhyau dhaamnae dhaamnae mae bhava yajushae yajushae
You who are become the chain around the belly of earth, has now become the same of the sun. when I wear it in turn for "oja", you look at me with the lustrously radiant eyes.
Oh the divine tongue of agni, I call upon you in every places in every yagnas for granting us the respective fruits bestowed by the very nature of it.
Sukta 31
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : yagna , chanda: jagathi , anushtup swara: nishada , gandhara)
savithustwaa prasava utpunaamyucchidrena pavithraena suryasya
rashmibhi: savithurva: prasava utpunaamyucchidrena pavithraena
vasau: suryasya: rashmibhi: tejausi shukramasyamruthamasi dhaama
naamaasi priyaam devaanaamanaadhrushtam devayajanamasi
With the inspiration of the omnipresent , i purify you with rays of the sun. The radiant essence of the soma juice made though me is none other than you. you are the shukra and amritha too. Let there be new aims born out of this offerings in tandem with nature which are to be respected and that which pleases all and that cannot be suppressed.
Chapter 1 - Sukta21 to Sukta25
Sukta 21
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : yagna , chanda : gayathri , nichyat pankti , swara : shadja , panchama)
devasya twaa savithu: prassavaeyaushwinaurbaahubhyaam pushnauu
hasthaabhyaam. sam vapaami samaapa aushadheebhi: samoshadhayauu
rasaena. sang revaatheerjagatheebhi: pruchandyaang sam madhumatheermadhu
matheebhi: pruchandyaam
Just with the skill of the lord who is omnipresent, with the hands of him that which brings the comfort and prosperity, I spray upon you. Let the mixture of water happens and be converted to the elemental mixtures of respective kinds. Let the water drops mixed with medicines which were sweet elemental drops be transformed to the elemental drops of medicinal importance.
Sukta 22
(rishi : parameshti prajapati , devatha : yagna , chanda : swaraad trishtup , gayathri , swara : madhyama rishabha , dhaivatha)
janayathrae twaa samyaumeedamagnaeridamagneeshaumayaurishe twaa
dharmoyausi vishwaayururupradhaa uru pradhaswauru tae yagnaprathi:
pradhamatwaamagnishtae twacham ma hing seedhaeevastwaa savithaa srapa
yathu varshisddaeyaudhi naakaee.
For the proper genetically induced changes , I mix you together. This mix itself is the ever respectful god himself and makes the wishes comes true. You the one who always emanate heat is called upon for having food. Let the fire that spreads near and far be distributed and expand with in the one who do yagna. Let your outer sheath be not touched by the agni. Let the lord who is cause for all and who resides in the higher world, because of sanctity gives u a place to remain there.
note : this is the best explanation of genetics , I have seen so far
Sukta 23
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : bruhathi , swara : madhayama)
maa bhaermaa samvikdhaa athamaeruryagnayothamaeruryajamaanasya
prajaa bhooyaat thrithaaya twaa dwithaaya twaikathaaya twa.
Oh agni, let you wont get frightened or worried. Let you not be expended by the conductor of the yagna. Let you protect the generations of the yajamana. For the duality and the trilevel existence I am surrendering you. For the unity also, I am surrendering you
note: this sukta requires explanation. here the deity being talked about is agni, and its a rule in any system that one deity if its pleased from the yagna , it can be asked for any blessings. so here its been mentioned that , the agni will not have to worry for giving any boons which are beyond the level of bestowing. Instead it is requested to provide with the unity, the duality and the three levels of existence and the protection to the generations.
The unity is the complete merger to pure consciousness. The duality is the existence in this world with which only one can enjoy the purusharthas. The three level existence is the reach in whole on the three worlds agni himself exists. They are prithvi loka, dyu loka and antariksha loka ( this covers the entire universe).
as per nirukta ( 3.7.2) , the principal devas for three lokas are agni as himself in prithvi loka , vayu in anthariksha loka and surya in dyu loka. But surya and vayu are specific forms of agni in kinetics and is interchangeable. the power of surya is the agni in it. the power of vayu exists when its heated and creates a density difference so that it can flow.
it can go deeper and deeper if each sukta is explained like this and let me stick to just translation with limited explanations.
Sukta 24
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : dyovidyuthana , chanda : swarad brahmi , pankti , swara : panchama)
devasya twaa savithu: prasavaeyoshwinaurbahubhyaam pooshnauu
hastaabhyaam. aadadaeeyaudhwarakritham devaebhya indrasya baahurasi
dakshina: sahasrabhrishti: shathatejaa vaayurasi tigmatejaa dwishathau vadha:
With the blessing of the lord, I am now keeping you with those one who can give you comfort. I am keeping you with those people who are conducting the yagna for receiving the blessing from the nature. Mahadeva, you have gained the power to vanquish a thousand enemies being as the right hand of indra. Also you are the ten manifold radiant and the divine luminous vayu too. The evil forces and the representations of them are destroyed through you.
Sukta 25
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : savitr , chanda: virad brahmi , trishtup , swara : madhyamarishabha , dhaivatha )
prithvi devayajanyauushdhyaasthaee moolam ma hing sisham vrajam
gaccha goshtaanam varshathu thaee dyaurbadhaana deva savitha:
paramasyaam prudhivyaang shathaena paashaeeryoosmandwaeshti yam
cha vayam dwishmastamathau ma mauk
Oh goddess of earth, you are the prime reason for the divine worship. Let me not be the reason that can create destruction of the elements that is present within you. Let the rain of 'amrith' falls on you from the heavens. With the lord who is the cause and the creator of the everything on earth cause the evils To be tied out. let the goddess earth ties up all those who wants to destroy us and those whom we want to destroy too.
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : yagna , chanda : gayathri , nichyat pankti , swara : shadja , panchama)
devasya twaa savithu: prassavaeyaushwinaurbaahubhyaam pushnauu
hasthaabhyaam. sam vapaami samaapa aushadheebhi: samoshadhayauu
rasaena. sang revaatheerjagatheebhi: pruchandyaang sam madhumatheermadhu
matheebhi: pruchandyaam
Just with the skill of the lord who is omnipresent, with the hands of him that which brings the comfort and prosperity, I spray upon you. Let the mixture of water happens and be converted to the elemental mixtures of respective kinds. Let the water drops mixed with medicines which were sweet elemental drops be transformed to the elemental drops of medicinal importance.
Sukta 22
(rishi : parameshti prajapati , devatha : yagna , chanda : swaraad trishtup , gayathri , swara : madhyama rishabha , dhaivatha)
janayathrae twaa samyaumeedamagnaeridamagneeshaumayaurishe twaa
dharmoyausi vishwaayururupradhaa uru pradhaswauru tae yagnaprathi:
pradhamatwaamagnishtae twacham ma hing seedhaeevastwaa savithaa srapa
yathu varshisddaeyaudhi naakaee.
For the proper genetically induced changes , I mix you together. This mix itself is the ever respectful god himself and makes the wishes comes true. You the one who always emanate heat is called upon for having food. Let the fire that spreads near and far be distributed and expand with in the one who do yagna. Let your outer sheath be not touched by the agni. Let the lord who is cause for all and who resides in the higher world, because of sanctity gives u a place to remain there.
note : this is the best explanation of genetics , I have seen so far
Sukta 23
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : bruhathi , swara : madhayama)
maa bhaermaa samvikdhaa athamaeruryagnayothamaeruryajamaanasya
prajaa bhooyaat thrithaaya twaa dwithaaya twaikathaaya twa.
Oh agni, let you wont get frightened or worried. Let you not be expended by the conductor of the yagna. Let you protect the generations of the yajamana. For the duality and the trilevel existence I am surrendering you. For the unity also, I am surrendering you
note: this sukta requires explanation. here the deity being talked about is agni, and its a rule in any system that one deity if its pleased from the yagna , it can be asked for any blessings. so here its been mentioned that , the agni will not have to worry for giving any boons which are beyond the level of bestowing. Instead it is requested to provide with the unity, the duality and the three levels of existence and the protection to the generations.
The unity is the complete merger to pure consciousness. The duality is the existence in this world with which only one can enjoy the purusharthas. The three level existence is the reach in whole on the three worlds agni himself exists. They are prithvi loka, dyu loka and antariksha loka ( this covers the entire universe).
as per nirukta ( 3.7.2) , the principal devas for three lokas are agni as himself in prithvi loka , vayu in anthariksha loka and surya in dyu loka. But surya and vayu are specific forms of agni in kinetics and is interchangeable. the power of surya is the agni in it. the power of vayu exists when its heated and creates a density difference so that it can flow.
it can go deeper and deeper if each sukta is explained like this and let me stick to just translation with limited explanations.
Sukta 24
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : dyovidyuthana , chanda : swarad brahmi , pankti , swara : panchama)
devasya twaa savithu: prasavaeyoshwinaurbahubhyaam pooshnauu
hastaabhyaam. aadadaeeyaudhwarakritham devaebhya indrasya baahurasi
dakshina: sahasrabhrishti: shathatejaa vaayurasi tigmatejaa dwishathau vadha:
With the blessing of the lord, I am now keeping you with those one who can give you comfort. I am keeping you with those people who are conducting the yagna for receiving the blessing from the nature. Mahadeva, you have gained the power to vanquish a thousand enemies being as the right hand of indra. Also you are the ten manifold radiant and the divine luminous vayu too. The evil forces and the representations of them are destroyed through you.
Sukta 25
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : savitr , chanda: virad brahmi , trishtup , swara : madhyamarishabha , dhaivatha )
prithvi devayajanyauushdhyaasthaee moolam ma hing sisham vrajam
gaccha goshtaanam varshathu thaee dyaurbadhaana deva savitha:
paramasyaam prudhivyaang shathaena paashaeeryoosmandwaeshti yam
cha vayam dwishmastamathau ma mauk
Oh goddess of earth, you are the prime reason for the divine worship. Let me not be the reason that can create destruction of the elements that is present within you. Let the rain of 'amrith' falls on you from the heavens. With the lord who is the cause and the creator of the everything on earth cause the evils To be tied out. let the goddess earth ties up all those who wants to destroy us and those whom we want to destroy too.
Chapter 1 - Sukta16 to Sukta20
Sukta 16
(rishi : parameshti prajapati , devata : vayu , savitr , chanda : swarad brahmi , trishtup , virad gayathri , swara : dhaithava , shadja)
kukkudauyosi madhujihwa ishamoorjamaavada twayaa vayang sankhaatang
sankhaatham jeshma varshavruddhamasi prathi twa varshavruddham vaetthu
paraapoothang raksha: paraaputhaa araathayauu pahathang rakshau vaayurvauu vivinakthu devo va:
savithaa hiranyapaani: prathigrubhnnatwacchidrena paaninaa
Oh lord(savitr), one who is like the rooster with beautiful tongue, please provide us with food and energy. let you provide us with the help to overcome and win over the obstacles of life. Oh lord, the one with divine capability, let we be remembered as your creation in coming eons of time. The evil forces who have been distanced are now defeated completely. Let you be moved by the wind(vayu). Let the sun whose radiant rays in all directions, without difficulty absorbs you.
Sukta 17
(rishi : parameshti prajapati , devatha : agni , chanda : nichrut brahmi , pankti , swara : panchama)
dhrushtirasyapaayognae agnimaamaadam jahi nishkravyaadang saedhaa
devayajam vaha. dhruvamasi prithveem drung ha brahmawani twa
khsatrawani sajaathavanyupadadhaami brathruvyasya vadhaaya
Oh agni! you resides in everything. Now let you lose your identity as the household fire. Let the fire that heats up the body also pacify. Oh agni, since you become staunch on earth with the offering of prosperity bringing havi, please make the learned people happy. You please not only the people who belong to the warrior clan(kshtryias), but also bring happiness to people like us too. With the intention of the annihilation of my enemies, I install you here
Sukta 18
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : agni , chanda : brahmanyushnik , aarchee pankti, swara : rishabha , dhaivatha, panchama)
agne brahma grubhneeshwa dharunamassndandariksham drung ha brahmawani
twa kshathrawani sajaathavanyupadadhaami bhrathruvyasya vadhaaya
dharthramasi divam drungha brahmawani twa thrawani sajaatha-
vanyupadadhaami bhrathruvyasya vadhaaya. vishwaabhyastwashaabhyaupadadhaami
chita: stdhorddwachithau bhrugoonaamangirasaam tapasaa tapyadhwam
Oh agni, protect the brahma vedis like us. Let the atmosphere be also fixed like you fixate everything else around. Protect those who are of interest to brahman(omnipresent omnipotent divine form). Oh agni, the one who act as the basis and for the destruction of my enemies, I seat you here. Since you are the protector of the heavens. Oh agni , I fix you here for the protection of all the directions. Oh agni, the one who embodies the greatness of the whole cosmos and burning high with flames, let you take the above mentioned form(our requested form)
Sukta 19
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : nichrut brahmi tristup, swara : madhyama rishabha , dhaithava)
sharmaasyavadhoothang rakshoyovadhoothaa araathayauyodithyaasthwagasi
prathi twayodithirvaethu. dhishnaayosi parwathee prathi
twayodithyaasthwagwethu diva: skambhaneerasi dhishnaayosi
paarwathaiyee prathi twaa parwathi vethu
Oh lord(agni), the source of all pervading happiness, with your very sight , the evil forces have hidden themselves deep. let the infinity embraces you, oh lord ; as the armor of eternity. You, who is the complete word of knowledge and pure reason, infinity has accepted you. You who is the center of the three worlds is the word of knowledge. Let you be accepted by the words of utmost jnana
Sukta 20
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : savitr , chanda : gayathri , nichrut pankti swara: shadja , panchama)
dhaanyamasi dhinuhi devaan praanaaya twaudaanaaya twaa vyaanaaya
twaa.deerkhaamanu prassithimaayushaee dhaam devo va: savithaa
hiranyapaani: prathigrubhnamtwacchidraena paaninaa chakshushaee
twaa maheenaam payoyosi
Oh savithr, the one in the form of the grains , if you nurture our sensory organs of jnana then we can recognize you in totality with the air we breath in. We bow in front of you for the blessing for a lasting long life in happiness. Let the sun accept this fire with the golden rays which creates indifference. oh lord , the one with the higher order subtle faculty of sight and understanding, We request you to provide us that subtle faculty of sight
(rishi : parameshti prajapati , devata : vayu , savitr , chanda : swarad brahmi , trishtup , virad gayathri , swara : dhaithava , shadja)
kukkudauyosi madhujihwa ishamoorjamaavada twayaa vayang sankhaatang
sankhaatham jeshma varshavruddhamasi prathi twa varshavruddham vaetthu
paraapoothang raksha: paraaputhaa araathayauu pahathang rakshau vaayurvauu vivinakthu devo va:
savithaa hiranyapaani: prathigrubhnnatwacchidrena paaninaa
Oh lord(savitr), one who is like the rooster with beautiful tongue, please provide us with food and energy. let you provide us with the help to overcome and win over the obstacles of life. Oh lord, the one with divine capability, let we be remembered as your creation in coming eons of time. The evil forces who have been distanced are now defeated completely. Let you be moved by the wind(vayu). Let the sun whose radiant rays in all directions, without difficulty absorbs you.
Sukta 17
(rishi : parameshti prajapati , devatha : agni , chanda : nichrut brahmi , pankti , swara : panchama)
dhrushtirasyapaayognae agnimaamaadam jahi nishkravyaadang saedhaa
devayajam vaha. dhruvamasi prithveem drung ha brahmawani twa
khsatrawani sajaathavanyupadadhaami brathruvyasya vadhaaya
Oh agni! you resides in everything. Now let you lose your identity as the household fire. Let the fire that heats up the body also pacify. Oh agni, since you become staunch on earth with the offering of prosperity bringing havi, please make the learned people happy. You please not only the people who belong to the warrior clan(kshtryias), but also bring happiness to people like us too. With the intention of the annihilation of my enemies, I install you here
Sukta 18
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : agni , chanda : brahmanyushnik , aarchee pankti, swara : rishabha , dhaivatha, panchama)
agne brahma grubhneeshwa dharunamassndandariksham drung ha brahmawani
twa kshathrawani sajaathavanyupadadhaami bhrathruvyasya vadhaaya
dharthramasi divam drungha brahmawani twa thrawani sajaatha-
vanyupadadhaami bhrathruvyasya vadhaaya. vishwaabhyastwashaabhyaupadadhaami
chita: stdhorddwachithau bhrugoonaamangirasaam tapasaa tapyadhwam
Oh agni, protect the brahma vedis like us. Let the atmosphere be also fixed like you fixate everything else around. Protect those who are of interest to brahman(omnipresent omnipotent divine form). Oh agni, the one who act as the basis and for the destruction of my enemies, I seat you here. Since you are the protector of the heavens. Oh agni , I fix you here for the protection of all the directions. Oh agni, the one who embodies the greatness of the whole cosmos and burning high with flames, let you take the above mentioned form(our requested form)
Sukta 19
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : nichrut brahmi tristup, swara : madhyama rishabha , dhaithava)
sharmaasyavadhoothang rakshoyovadhoothaa araathayauyodithyaasthwagasi
prathi twayodithirvaethu. dhishnaayosi parwathee prathi
twayodithyaasthwagwethu diva: skambhaneerasi dhishnaayosi
paarwathaiyee prathi twaa parwathi vethu
Oh lord(agni), the source of all pervading happiness, with your very sight , the evil forces have hidden themselves deep. let the infinity embraces you, oh lord ; as the armor of eternity. You, who is the complete word of knowledge and pure reason, infinity has accepted you. You who is the center of the three worlds is the word of knowledge. Let you be accepted by the words of utmost jnana
Sukta 20
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : savitr , chanda : gayathri , nichrut pankti swara: shadja , panchama)
dhaanyamasi dhinuhi devaan praanaaya twaudaanaaya twaa vyaanaaya
twaa.deerkhaamanu prassithimaayushaee dhaam devo va: savithaa
hiranyapaani: prathigrubhnamtwacchidraena paaninaa chakshushaee
twaa maheenaam payoyosi
Oh savithr, the one in the form of the grains , if you nurture our sensory organs of jnana then we can recognize you in totality with the air we breath in. We bow in front of you for the blessing for a lasting long life in happiness. Let the sun accept this fire with the golden rays which creates indifference. oh lord , the one with the higher order subtle faculty of sight and understanding, We request you to provide us that subtle faculty of sight
Chapter 1 - Sukta11 to Sukta15
Sukta 11
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : swarad , jagathi , swara: madhayama)
भूताय त्वा नारातये स्वाराभिविख्येषम् दृङ्ग् हन्तम् दुर्या
पृधिव्यस्त्वा नाभौ सादयामदित्य उपस्तेयोग्ने हव्यङ्ग् रक्ष
bhutaaya twa naaraathayae swarabhivikhyaeshham drung hantham duryaa: pridhivyamurvantharikshanwemi
pridhivyasthwaa naabhau saadayaamyadithyaa upastheyognae havyang raksha
When I receive the yagna dhathus with grace, please ward of the disturbances in me. Let the whole places around becomes blessed; be seen to me. Let our homes be held strong in the earth. I travel between the earth and the atmosphere. Oh sacrificial fire which is kept in the navel center of the earth, fixed to the lap of the earth, let you protect all these.
Sukta 12
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : aap, savitr , chanda : duriga trushti , swara : gandhara)
पवित्रे स्थो वैष्णव्यो सवितुर्वह: प्रसव उत्पुन्याम्य -
च्छिद्रेण पवित्रेण सूर्यस्य रश्मिभि: देवीरापो अग्रेगुवो
अग्रेपुवोयो ग्र इममद्य यज्ञम् नायताग्रे यग्नपतिङ्ग्
सुधातुम् यज्ञपतिम् देवयुवम्
pavithre ssto vaishnavyo savithurvah: prasava uthpunyaamya-
chhidraena pavithrena sooryasya rashmibhi: deveeraapoo agraeeguvo
agraeepuvooyo gra imamadya yagnam nayathaagrae yagnapathing
sudhaathum yagnapathim devayugam.
Oh the celestrial waters that resides in the heaven and the earth, you belong to the omnipresent god. with his intention , I use the rays of the sun to purify you. Not only it flows forward , but also brings in the purity with the flow. Not only the conductor of the yagna is enabled to move forward, but also make the yagna itself to move forward similarly. This yajamana who is having good traits is also loved by the devas.
Sukta 13
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi ,devata : indra , yagna , chanda : nichya dushnik , durigaarcheer gayathri , durigushnik, swara : rishabha , shadja)
युष्मा इन्द्रोयोवृणीत वृत्रतुर्ये युयामिन्द्रमवृणीध्वम् वृत्र
तुर्ये प्रोक्षित: स्थ अग्नये त्व जुष्टं प्रोक्षामग्नी -
षोमाभ्यम् त्व युष्टं प्रोक्षामि दैव्याय कर्माणे शुन्धध्वम्
देवयज्ययै यद्वौयोशुद्धा: पराजख्नुरिडम् वास्तुच्छुन्धामि
yushmaa indroyovruneetha vruthrathuryae yuyaamindramavruneedhwam vruthra
turyae prokshitha: stha. agneye twa justam prokshaamagnee-
shhomaabhyaam twa yushtam prokshaami. daivyaaya karmaanae shundhadwam
devayajyayaee yadvauyoshudhaa: paraajakhnuridam vastuchhundhaami
In the fight against ignorance, when the lord accepted in togetherness you, you accepted him too the same way. For the omnipresent lord, I am purifying you with water sprinkling on you. For the lord who who bestows boons along with fulfillment of all desires, to become his favorite, purify yourself more and more. you who are planning to conduct this divine and pure austerity, let you purify those parts in you still impure.
Sukta 14
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : yagna , chanda : swarad , jagathi , swara : nishad)
sharmaasyavadhoothang rakshoyovadhootha araathayauyaudithyasthatwagassi prathi twaadithirvethhu
adrirassi vaanaspathyau graavaayosi prudhubudna: prathi twayodithyastwagwethu
You (yagna) are the one who bestows peace and happiness. The remnants of cruel souls have already left. The rakshas (a certain class of spirit) has also left. Let you, the one who is everlasting be received by the divine perpetual state. You are the cloud which facilitate the greenery. Let the ever expanding cloud , you; be well received into eternity and bliss.
Sukta 15
(rishi : paramesti prajapatji , devatha : yagna , chanda : nichyutjagathi ,yajushi pankthi :
swara: nishada , panchama)
agnaesthanoorasi vachau visarjanam devaveethayae twa
gruhnami brihadgravayosi vaanaspathya: sa idam devebhyo
havi: shamishwa sushami shamishwa. havishkridehi havishkridehi
The lord who takes the form of the agni is the source of word. For the fulfillment of boons of nature(prakriti), I accept this lord. the clouds which shine to the greenery is also this lord. Make the havi for the blessings. Oh lord let you come to accept the havi.
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : swarad , jagathi , swara: madhayama)
भूताय त्वा नारातये स्वाराभिविख्येषम् दृङ्ग् हन्तम् दुर्या
पृधिव्यस्त्वा नाभौ सादयामदित्य उपस्तेयोग्ने हव्यङ्ग् रक्ष
bhutaaya twa naaraathayae swarabhivikhyaeshham drung hantham duryaa: pridhivyamurvantharikshanwemi
pridhivyasthwaa naabhau saadayaamyadithyaa upastheyognae havyang raksha
When I receive the yagna dhathus with grace, please ward of the disturbances in me. Let the whole places around becomes blessed; be seen to me. Let our homes be held strong in the earth. I travel between the earth and the atmosphere. Oh sacrificial fire which is kept in the navel center of the earth, fixed to the lap of the earth, let you protect all these.
Sukta 12
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : aap, savitr , chanda : duriga trushti , swara : gandhara)
पवित्रे स्थो वैष्णव्यो सवितुर्वह: प्रसव उत्पुन्याम्य -
च्छिद्रेण पवित्रेण सूर्यस्य रश्मिभि: देवीरापो अग्रेगुवो
अग्रेपुवोयो ग्र इममद्य यज्ञम् नायताग्रे यग्नपतिङ्ग्
सुधातुम् यज्ञपतिम् देवयुवम्
pavithre ssto vaishnavyo savithurvah: prasava uthpunyaamya-
chhidraena pavithrena sooryasya rashmibhi: deveeraapoo agraeeguvo
agraeepuvooyo gra imamadya yagnam nayathaagrae yagnapathing
sudhaathum yagnapathim devayugam.
Oh the celestrial waters that resides in the heaven and the earth, you belong to the omnipresent god. with his intention , I use the rays of the sun to purify you. Not only it flows forward , but also brings in the purity with the flow. Not only the conductor of the yagna is enabled to move forward, but also make the yagna itself to move forward similarly. This yajamana who is having good traits is also loved by the devas.
Sukta 13
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi ,devata : indra , yagna , chanda : nichya dushnik , durigaarcheer gayathri , durigushnik, swara : rishabha , shadja)
युष्मा इन्द्रोयोवृणीत वृत्रतुर्ये युयामिन्द्रमवृणीध्वम् वृत्र
तुर्ये प्रोक्षित: स्थ अग्नये त्व जुष्टं प्रोक्षामग्नी -
षोमाभ्यम् त्व युष्टं प्रोक्षामि दैव्याय कर्माणे शुन्धध्वम्
देवयज्ययै यद्वौयोशुद्धा: पराजख्नुरिडम् वास्तुच्छुन्धामि
yushmaa indroyovruneetha vruthrathuryae yuyaamindramavruneedhwam vruthra
turyae prokshitha: stha. agneye twa justam prokshaamagnee-
shhomaabhyaam twa yushtam prokshaami. daivyaaya karmaanae shundhadwam
devayajyayaee yadvauyoshudhaa: paraajakhnuridam vastuchhundhaami
In the fight against ignorance, when the lord accepted in togetherness you, you accepted him too the same way. For the omnipresent lord, I am purifying you with water sprinkling on you. For the lord who who bestows boons along with fulfillment of all desires, to become his favorite, purify yourself more and more. you who are planning to conduct this divine and pure austerity, let you purify those parts in you still impure.
Sukta 14
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : yagna , chanda : swarad , jagathi , swara : nishad)
sharmaasyavadhoothang rakshoyovadhootha araathayauyaudithyasthatwagassi prathi twaadithirvethhu
adrirassi vaanaspathyau graavaayosi prudhubudna: prathi twayodithyastwagwethu
You (yagna) are the one who bestows peace and happiness. The remnants of cruel souls have already left. The rakshas (a certain class of spirit) has also left. Let you, the one who is everlasting be received by the divine perpetual state. You are the cloud which facilitate the greenery. Let the ever expanding cloud , you; be well received into eternity and bliss.
Sukta 15
(rishi : paramesti prajapatji , devatha : yagna , chanda : nichyutjagathi ,yajushi pankthi :
swara: nishada , panchama)
agnaesthanoorasi vachau visarjanam devaveethayae twa
gruhnami brihadgravayosi vaanaspathya: sa idam devebhyo
havi: shamishwa sushami shamishwa. havishkridehi havishkridehi
The lord who takes the form of the agni is the source of word. For the fulfillment of boons of nature(prakriti), I accept this lord. the clouds which shine to the greenery is also this lord. Make the havi for the blessings. Oh lord let you come to accept the havi.
Chapter 1 - Sukta6 to Sukta10
Sukta 6
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : prajapathi , chanda: archi , pankthi , swara : pachama)
कस्त्व युनक्ति स त्व युनक्ति कस्मै त्व युनक्ति
तस्मै त्व युनक्ति कर्मणे वाँ वेषया वाम्
kastwaa yunakthi sa twa yunakthi kasmayee twa yunakthi
tasmayee twa yunakthi. karmane vaam veshayaa vaam
By whom you have been brought here(to this world)?, its HIM(lord) that brought you here. Why you have been brought to here?, HE(lord) has brought you here for that, that of enacting the roles of various nature doing your karma over the births and rebirths, with time
Sukta 7
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : yagna , chanda : prajapathya jagati , swara : nishada)
प्रत्युष्टंग् रक्ष: प्रत्युष्ट आरातयो निष्टप्तंग् रक्षो
निष्ट्प्ता अरातय: उर्वणतरिक्षमन्वेमि
prathyushtang raksha: prathyushta araathayo nishtaapthang raksho
nishtapthaa araathaya: urvantharikshamanwemi
Every obstacles in the form of disputes have been removed. The enemies have lost their armors also.Thus the grief has overpowered the enemies. I am traveling(flying) now between the earth and the atmosphere.
Sukta 8
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devata : agni , chanda : nichidathi jagati , swara: nishaada)
धूरसि धूर्व धूर्वन्तं धूर्व तं यो योस्मन्धूर्वति तं धूर्व यं वयम् धूर्वामै:
देवा नमसि वह्नितमंग् सास्नितमाम् पप्रितमम् जुष्टतमे देवहूतमम्
dhurasi dhurva dhurvantham dhurva tham yo yosmandhurvathi tham dhurva yam vayam dhurvaamaee:
devaa namasi vahnithamang sasnithamaam paprithamam jushtathamae devahuthamam.
Oh lord(agni) the one who ward of all evil, let you destroy the ones who wants destruction. Please destroy the ones, please destroy the ones; who want to see us destroyed. Among the various devatha who bestows their blessings, you are the one who embodies supreme grandeur. Agni, you the pure; the ablest among the teachers, special austerities to you in all devatha karmas. The wise ones expect you and conduct the poojas.
Sukta 9
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : vishnu , chanda: nichyat trishtup , swara : madhyama rishabham , dhaivatham)
अह्रुतमसि हविर्धानं दृंग् हस्व मा ह्वार्मा ते यज्ञपतिर्ह्वर्षीत्
विष्णुस्तवा क्रमतामुरू वातायापहतञ्ग् रक्षो यच्छन्दम् पञ्च
ahruthamasi havirdhaanam drung haswaa ma hwarmaa tae yagnapathirhwarsheeth
vishnustwa kramathaamuru vaathaayaapahathang raksho yacchandam pancha
Oh the lord (vishnu) who receives the offerings in the right and proper way, let you; the embodiment of purity, accept this one,who do the offerings. let the lord comes forth to us and provide us with the air(vayu tatwa) as per his wish. Let the stubborn people move away and be absorbed in by the panchakaranas.
Sukta 10
(rishi : parameshti prajapati , devatha : savitr , chanda: - durigbrahati , swara: madhyama)
देवस्य त्वा सवितु: प्रसवेयोश्विनौर्बहुभ्याम्
अग्नये जुष्टं गृहनाम्यग्नीषोमाभ्याम् जष्टं गृह्नामि
devasya twaa savitu: prasavaeeyoshwinaurbahubhyaam pooshnauuhastaabhyam
agnaee jushtam grahnaamyagneeshaumaabhyaam jashtam grahnaami
Oh yagna dhathus, the ones who are nourished with the lords and made by the creator, I am understanding you now in totality. Let this karma which is favorite to the lord, let it be made favorite to me too.
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : prajapathi , chanda: archi , pankthi , swara : pachama)
कस्त्व युनक्ति स त्व युनक्ति कस्मै त्व युनक्ति
तस्मै त्व युनक्ति कर्मणे वाँ वेषया वाम्
kastwaa yunakthi sa twa yunakthi kasmayee twa yunakthi
tasmayee twa yunakthi. karmane vaam veshayaa vaam
By whom you have been brought here(to this world)?, its HIM(lord) that brought you here. Why you have been brought to here?, HE(lord) has brought you here for that, that of enacting the roles of various nature doing your karma over the births and rebirths, with time
Sukta 7
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : yagna , chanda : prajapathya jagati , swara : nishada)
प्रत्युष्टंग् रक्ष: प्रत्युष्ट आरातयो निष्टप्तंग् रक्षो
निष्ट्प्ता अरातय: उर्वणतरिक्षमन्वेमि
prathyushtang raksha: prathyushta araathayo nishtaapthang raksho
nishtapthaa araathaya: urvantharikshamanwemi
Every obstacles in the form of disputes have been removed. The enemies have lost their armors also.Thus the grief has overpowered the enemies. I am traveling(flying) now between the earth and the atmosphere.
Sukta 8
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devata : agni , chanda : nichidathi jagati , swara: nishaada)
धूरसि धूर्व धूर्वन्तं धूर्व तं यो योस्मन्धूर्वति तं धूर्व यं वयम् धूर्वामै:
देवा नमसि वह्नितमंग् सास्नितमाम् पप्रितमम् जुष्टतमे देवहूतमम्
dhurasi dhurva dhurvantham dhurva tham yo yosmandhurvathi tham dhurva yam vayam dhurvaamaee:
devaa namasi vahnithamang sasnithamaam paprithamam jushtathamae devahuthamam.
Oh lord(agni) the one who ward of all evil, let you destroy the ones who wants destruction. Please destroy the ones, please destroy the ones; who want to see us destroyed. Among the various devatha who bestows their blessings, you are the one who embodies supreme grandeur. Agni, you the pure; the ablest among the teachers, special austerities to you in all devatha karmas. The wise ones expect you and conduct the poojas.
Sukta 9
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : vishnu , chanda: nichyat trishtup , swara : madhyama rishabham , dhaivatham)
अह्रुतमसि हविर्धानं दृंग् हस्व मा ह्वार्मा ते यज्ञपतिर्ह्वर्षीत्
विष्णुस्तवा क्रमतामुरू वातायापहतञ्ग् रक्षो यच्छन्दम् पञ्च
ahruthamasi havirdhaanam drung haswaa ma hwarmaa tae yagnapathirhwarsheeth
vishnustwa kramathaamuru vaathaayaapahathang raksho yacchandam pancha
Oh the lord (vishnu) who receives the offerings in the right and proper way, let you; the embodiment of purity, accept this one,who do the offerings. let the lord comes forth to us and provide us with the air(vayu tatwa) as per his wish. Let the stubborn people move away and be absorbed in by the panchakaranas.
Sukta 10
(rishi : parameshti prajapati , devatha : savitr , chanda: - durigbrahati , swara: madhyama)
देवस्य त्वा सवितु: प्रसवेयोश्विनौर्बहुभ्याम्
अग्नये जुष्टं गृहनाम्यग्नीषोमाभ्याम् जष्टं गृह्नामि
devasya twaa savitu: prasavaeeyoshwinaurbahubhyaam pooshnauuhastaabhyam
agnaee jushtam grahnaamyagneeshaumaabhyaam jashtam grahnaami
Oh yagna dhathus, the ones who are nourished with the lords and made by the creator, I am understanding you now in totality. Let this karma which is favorite to the lord, let it be made favorite to me too.
Chapter 1 - Sukta1 to Sukta5
sukta 1
(rishi parameshti prajapathi , devatha - savitr , chanda - swaraad brahathi brahmanyushnik)
ऊँ इषे त्वयोर्जे त्व वायव स्थ देवो व: सविता
प्रर्पयतु शेश्ठतमाय कर्मणा आप्यायध्वमख्न्य इंद्राय भागम
प्रजावतीरनमीव आयक्षम मावस्तेन
इशत मखशंग सौ धृवा अस्मिन गोपतौ स्यात्
भहिर्रियजमानस्य पशुन् पाहि
Om eshe twyorje twa vayava sta devo va: savitha
prarpayathu shestatamaaya karmana aapyayadhwamakhanyaa indraya bhaagam
prajavathiranameeva ayakshama maavasthena
ishatha makhashangg sau dhruvaa asmin gopatho syaatha
bhahirriyajamaanasya pashun paahi |
Oh lord, the one who provides the prana; for the attainment of food, prosperity, power our salutations to you. The conductors of yajna who do only austerities of goodness; let the one whose is the citadel of everything and the creator of this world provide you all with power to execute the various austerities. with the power of the almighty, let the cows manifold in numbers and let you all be healthy without any illness. Let from you all a new generation is born, whom are not cruel, who do not thieve on others (wealth) and who are strong. Let this 'yajmana' be bestowed upon with increased wealth and cattle and be protected always.
Sukta 2
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi, devatha : yagna , chanda : swaradarshi trishtup , swara: - madhyamarishabham dhaivatham)
वसो: पवित्रमसि ध्यौरसि पृथिव्यसि मातरिश्वनो
खर्मोयोसि विश्वाधा आसि
खर्मोयोसि विश्वाधा आसि
परमेण धम्न दृंग म ह्वार्मा ते यज्ञपतिर् ह्वार्षीतीष
vaso: pavithramasi dwaurasi prithivyasi matharishwano
kharmoyosi vishwadha aasi
paramena dhamna drung ma hwarma the yagnapathir hwarsheetheesh
(within the embodiment of purity in comfort, in the divine worlds and the divine wind , the world is being supported. you the one who provides the support for the world along with the yagnaprajapthis do protect us)
Sukta 3
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : savitr , chanda : bhurig jagathi , swara: nishaad)
वसो: पवित्रमसि शतधारं वसो: पवित्रमसि सहस्रधारं
देवस्तवा सविता पुनतु वसो: पवित्रेण शतधारेण
सुप्वा कामधुक्ष:
vaso: pavithramasi shathadhaaram vaso: pavithramasi sahasradhaaram
devastwa savithaa punathu vaso: pavithrena shathadhaarena
supwaa kaamadhuksha:
(savitr , the one who creates the prosperity and power in hundredfold ,let you amplify it to thousandfold streams of the same. the lord who showers the collective energy on you make all your goals realized and make them purified. let all your journey ways are sanctified.)
Sukta 4
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : vishnu , chanda - anustup , swara : gandhara)
स विश्वायु: स विश्वकर्मा स विश्वधया:
इन्द्रस्य त्व भगङ्ग् सोमोनातनच्मि विश्णो हव्यञ् रक्ष
sa vishwaayu: sa vishwakarmaa sa vishwadhayaa:
indrasya twa bhaganng somonathanachmi vishno havyang raksha
( this cow is the base for everything , the soul of universe and one which always is performing the karmas. Oh indra , i offer your part of it to yourself. Oh the ever pervading god (vishnu) , protect the attributed portions of yagna of everyone)
Sukta 5
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata: agni , chanda : archi tristup , swara : madhyama, rishabha dhayeevatha)
अग्ने व्रतपते व्रतं परिष्यामी तच्छकेयम् तन्मे राध्यताम्
agne vruthapathe vrutham parishyami tacchakeyam tanme raadhyatham
( oh the lord of vrutas or austerities , guide me through the divine order of the nature. oh lord please guide me through that divine order of nature which is created by you. let me , the one who never perform anything against divine will ; be always blessed with prosperity)
(rishi parameshti prajapathi , devatha - savitr , chanda - swaraad brahathi brahmanyushnik)
ऊँ इषे त्वयोर्जे त्व वायव स्थ देवो व: सविता
प्रर्पयतु शेश्ठतमाय कर्मणा आप्यायध्वमख्न्य इंद्राय भागम
प्रजावतीरनमीव आयक्षम मावस्तेन
इशत मखशंग सौ धृवा अस्मिन गोपतौ स्यात्
भहिर्रियजमानस्य पशुन् पाहि
Om eshe twyorje twa vayava sta devo va: savitha
prarpayathu shestatamaaya karmana aapyayadhwamakhanyaa indraya bhaagam
prajavathiranameeva ayakshama maavasthena
ishatha makhashangg sau dhruvaa asmin gopatho syaatha
bhahirriyajamaanasya pashun paahi |
Oh lord, the one who provides the prana; for the attainment of food, prosperity, power our salutations to you. The conductors of yajna who do only austerities of goodness; let the one whose is the citadel of everything and the creator of this world provide you all with power to execute the various austerities. with the power of the almighty, let the cows manifold in numbers and let you all be healthy without any illness. Let from you all a new generation is born, whom are not cruel, who do not thieve on others (wealth) and who are strong. Let this 'yajmana' be bestowed upon with increased wealth and cattle and be protected always.
Sukta 2
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi, devatha : yagna , chanda : swaradarshi trishtup , swara: - madhyamarishabham dhaivatham)
वसो: पवित्रमसि ध्यौरसि पृथिव्यसि मातरिश्वनो
खर्मोयोसि विश्वाधा आसि
खर्मोयोसि विश्वाधा आसि
परमेण धम्न दृंग म ह्वार्मा ते यज्ञपतिर् ह्वार्षीतीष
vaso: pavithramasi dwaurasi prithivyasi matharishwano
kharmoyosi vishwadha aasi
paramena dhamna drung ma hwarma the yagnapathir hwarsheetheesh
(within the embodiment of purity in comfort, in the divine worlds and the divine wind , the world is being supported. you the one who provides the support for the world along with the yagnaprajapthis do protect us)
Sukta 3
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : savitr , chanda : bhurig jagathi , swara: nishaad)
वसो: पवित्रमसि शतधारं वसो: पवित्रमसि सहस्रधारं
देवस्तवा सविता पुनतु वसो: पवित्रेण शतधारेण
सुप्वा कामधुक्ष:
vaso: pavithramasi shathadhaaram vaso: pavithramasi sahasradhaaram
devastwa savithaa punathu vaso: pavithrena shathadhaarena
supwaa kaamadhuksha:
(savitr , the one who creates the prosperity and power in hundredfold ,let you amplify it to thousandfold streams of the same. the lord who showers the collective energy on you make all your goals realized and make them purified. let all your journey ways are sanctified.)
Sukta 4
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : vishnu , chanda - anustup , swara : gandhara)
स विश्वायु: स विश्वकर्मा स विश्वधया:
इन्द्रस्य त्व भगङ्ग् सोमोनातनच्मि विश्णो हव्यञ् रक्ष
sa vishwaayu: sa vishwakarmaa sa vishwadhayaa:
indrasya twa bhaganng somonathanachmi vishno havyang raksha
( this cow is the base for everything , the soul of universe and one which always is performing the karmas. Oh indra , i offer your part of it to yourself. Oh the ever pervading god (vishnu) , protect the attributed portions of yagna of everyone)
Sukta 5
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata: agni , chanda : archi tristup , swara : madhyama, rishabha dhayeevatha)
अग्ने व्रतपते व्रतं परिष्यामी तच्छकेयम् तन्मे राध्यताम्
agne vruthapathe vrutham parishyami tacchakeyam tanme raadhyatham
( oh the lord of vrutas or austerities , guide me through the divine order of the nature. oh lord please guide me through that divine order of nature which is created by you. let me , the one who never perform anything against divine will ; be always blessed with prosperity)
Dear all, its a huge task I am planning to undertake. I do not know how much time this will take to complete the following ones still with only brief outline for the last three.(contents have repetitions)
1) Vajasaneyi Madhyandina samhita
2) Kanwa samhita
3) Maiytrayani Samhita
4) Kadda samhita
I just surrender myself as a medium to perform the same and humbly pray for the omnipresent omnipotent Brahman to guide me in this endeavor.
Let Surya reveal me the meanings of the one Veda bestowed on humanity by his grace.
1) Vajasaneyi Madhyandina samhita
2) Kanwa samhita
3) Maiytrayani Samhita
4) Kadda samhita
I just surrender myself as a medium to perform the same and humbly pray for the omnipresent omnipotent Brahman to guide me in this endeavor.
Let Surya reveal me the meanings of the one Veda bestowed on humanity by his grace.
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