Sukta 1
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi ,devata: yagna , chanda: nichyat gayathri , swara : panchama)
krishnausyakharaeshtaegnayae twa justam praukshaami
vedirasi barhishae twa justam praukshaami barhirasi
syugbhyastwaa justam praukshaami
Yagna , you are nourishing the ever divine attractive agni , the place where it to glow abundantly is yagna vedi. Now I am inviting the kusha grass. you are being purified by me and the purified darbha grasses are requesting to the utensils of the yagna, I am purifying you.
Sukta 2
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : yagna , chanda : swarad jagathi , swara: nishaad)
aadithyae vyundanamasi vishnau stuposyoornamradasam twaa
strunaami swasastaam devaebhyo bhuvapathayae swaha
bhuvanapathayae swaha bhoothaanam patayae swaha
You (vishnu) are the one who provides water to the earth, with yagna you are being crowned, let me cover you with darbha grass, the dharba grass which i am using to cover you again and again ; its all soft, let u reside on all folks who have the divine wisdom, my salutation to the celestial owner of the lands and the houses, my salutations to celestial owner of the five subtle elements.
Sukta 3
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : durigarchi trishtup , durigarchi pankti , swara : dhaivatha , panchama)
gandharbhastwaa vishawaavasu: parithadhaatu vishwasyaarishtyae
yajamaanasya paridhirasyagnirignaeeeditha: indrasya baahurasi
dakshinau vishwasyaarishtya yajamaanasya paridhirasyagnirignaeeeditha:
mithravarunau twottharatha: paridhathaam dhruvena dharmanaa
vishwasyaarishtyae yajamaanasya paridhirasyagnirignaeeeditha:
The one who is the lord of all the prosperity that is pervading on the earth, the one who holds the earth steadfast, the one who is the most strong, I place you firmly here on the ground for the protection. You are the much needed fuel for the one who conceived the yagna. Oh lord, you command worship in the very essence you are to be prayed to. For the protection of everything including the dharma, let the vayu and surya, place you firmly here.
Sukta 4
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : agni , chanda: nichyat gayathri , swara : shadja)
veethihotram twaa kavae dyumandang sameedheemahi. agnae bruhandamadhwarae
The one who always shows his interest to yagnas, oh agni, let you be nourished by
"Oja". The one who can see every events and beings, the one who decorates the grand seat of excellence, the one who is the lord of everything in totality, oh agni, with you we nourish this yagna
Sukta 5
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata : yagna , chanda : nichyut brahmi brihati , swara : madhyama)
samidasi sooryastwaa purasthath paathu kasyaaschidabhishasthyae
savithurbahu sta oornamadrasam twaa strunaami swaasastham.
devaebhya aa twaa vasavau rudraa aadityaa: sadanthu.
Oh! the one abodes here, although there are certain level of qualityless nature in you, let the lord soorya protect you. .Oh agni, you are the embodiment of hands of that grandeour which created the entire cosmos. With darbha grass, I am creating a seat and keeping it here. Let the learned men come and sits here. Let the young, old, elderly ones who adhere to sanyasa let them all be present within you.