Here are a set of sacred texts authored by a highly evolved being who chooses to stay anonymous. All documents made available here contain sacred verses which are to be solely read for their spiritual richness, depth and for the purpose of gaining awareness and understanding. They are not meant for practice, except under the guidance of a master

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chapter 1 - Sukta21 to Sukta25

Sukta 21
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : yagna , chanda : gayathri , nichyat pankti , swara : shadja , panchama)

devasya twaa savithu: prassavaeyaushwinaurbaahubhyaam pushnauu
hasthaabhyaam. sam vapaami samaapa aushadheebhi: samoshadhayauu
rasaena. sang revaatheerjagatheebhi: pruchandyaang sam madhumatheermadhu
matheebhi: pruchandyaam

Just with the skill of the lord who is omnipresent, with the hands of him that which brings the comfort and prosperity, I spray upon you. Let the mixture of water happens and be converted to the elemental mixtures of respective kinds. Let the water drops mixed with medicines which were sweet elemental drops be transformed to the elemental drops of medicinal importance.

Sukta 22
(rishi : parameshti prajapati , devatha : yagna , chanda : swaraad trishtup , gayathri , swara : madhyama rishabha , dhaivatha)

janayathrae twaa samyaumeedamagnaeridamagneeshaumayaurishe twaa
dharmoyausi vishwaayururupradhaa uru pradhaswauru tae yagnaprathi:
pradhamatwaamagnishtae twacham ma hing seedhaeevastwaa savithaa srapa
yathu varshisddaeyaudhi naakaee.

For the proper genetically induced changes , I mix you together. This mix itself is the ever respectful god himself and makes the wishes comes true. You the one who always emanate heat is called upon for having food. Let the fire that spreads near and far be distributed and expand with in the one who do yagna. Let your outer sheath be not touched by the agni. Let the lord who is cause for all and who resides in the higher world, because of sanctity gives u a place to remain there.

note : this is the best explanation of genetics , I have seen so far

Sukta 23
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : agni , chanda : bruhathi , swara : madhayama)

maa bhaermaa samvikdhaa athamaeruryagnayothamaeruryajamaanasya
prajaa bhooyaat thrithaaya twaa dwithaaya twaikathaaya twa.

Oh agni, let you wont get frightened or worried. Let you not be expended by the conductor of the yagna. Let you protect the generations of the yajamana. For the duality and the trilevel existence I am surrendering you. For the unity also, I am surrendering you

note: this sukta requires explanation. here the deity being talked about is agni, and its a rule in any system that one deity if its pleased from the yagna , it can be asked for any blessings. so here its been mentioned that , the agni will not have to worry for giving any boons which are beyond the level of bestowing. Instead it is requested to provide with the unity, the duality and the three levels of existence and the protection to the generations.

The unity is the complete merger to pure consciousness. The duality is the existence in this world with which only one can enjoy the purusharthas. The three level existence is the reach in whole on the three worlds agni himself exists. They are prithvi loka, dyu loka and antariksha loka ( this covers the entire universe).

as per nirukta ( 3.7.2) , the principal devas for three lokas are agni as himself in prithvi loka , vayu in anthariksha loka and surya in dyu loka. But surya and vayu are specific forms of agni in kinetics and is interchangeable. the power of surya is the agni in it. the power of vayu exists when its heated and creates a density difference so that it can flow.

it can go deeper and deeper if each sukta is explained like this and let me stick to just translation with limited explanations.

Sukta 24
(rishi : paramesti prajapathi , devatha : dyovidyuthana , chanda : swarad brahmi , pankti , swara : panchama)

devasya twaa savithu: prasavaeyoshwinaurbahubhyaam pooshnauu
hastaabhyaam. aadadaeeyaudhwarakritham devaebhya indrasya baahurasi
dakshina: sahasrabhrishti: shathatejaa vaayurasi tigmatejaa dwishathau vadha:

With the blessing of the lord, I am now keeping you with those one who can give you comfort. I am keeping you with those people who are conducting the yagna for receiving the blessing from the nature. Mahadeva, you have gained the power to vanquish a thousand enemies being as the right hand of indra. Also you are the ten manifold radiant and the divine luminous vayu too. The evil forces and the representations of them are destroyed through you.

Sukta 25
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : savitr , chanda: virad brahmi , trishtup , swara : madhyamarishabha , dhaivatha )

prithvi devayajanyauushdhyaasthaee moolam ma hing sisham vrajam
gaccha goshtaanam varshathu thaee dyaurbadhaana deva savitha:
paramasyaam prudhivyaang shathaena paashaeeryoosmandwaeshti yam
cha vayam dwishmastamathau ma mauk

Oh goddess of earth, you are the prime reason for the divine worship. Let me not be the reason that can create destruction of the elements that is present within you. Let the rain of 'amrith' falls on you from the heavens. With the lord who is the cause and the creator of the everything on earth cause the evils To be tied out. let the goddess earth ties up all those who wants to destroy us and those whom we want to destroy too.