Here are a set of sacred texts authored by a highly evolved being who chooses to stay anonymous. All documents made available here contain sacred verses which are to be solely read for their spiritual richness, depth and for the purpose of gaining awareness and understanding. They are not meant for practice, except under the guidance of a master

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chapter 1 - Sukta1 to Sukta5

sukta 1

(rishi parameshti prajapathi , devatha - savitr , chanda - swaraad brahathi brahmanyushnik)

ऊँ इषे त्वयोर्जे त्व वायव स्थ देवो व: सविता
प्रर्पयतु शेश्ठतमाय कर्मणा आप्यायध्वमख्न्य इंद्राय भागम
प्रजावतीरनमीव आयक्षम मावस्तेन
इशत मखशंग सौ धृवा अस्मिन गोपतौ स्यात्
भहिर्रियजमानस्य पशुन् पाहि
Om eshe twyorje twa vayava sta devo va: savitha
prarpayathu shestatamaaya karmana aapyayadhwamakhanyaa indraya bhaagam
prajavathiranameeva ayakshama maavasthena
ishatha makhashangg sau dhruvaa asmin gopatho syaatha
bhahirriyajamaanasya pashun paahi |

Oh lord, the one who provides the prana; for the attainment of food, prosperity, power our salutations to you. The conductors of yajna who do only austerities of goodness; let the one whose is the citadel of everything and the creator of this world provide you all with power to execute the various austerities. with the power of the almighty, let the cows manifold in numbers and let you all be healthy without any illness. Let from you all a new generation is born, whom are not cruel, who do not thieve on others (wealth) and who are strong. Let this 'yajmana' be bestowed upon with increased wealth and cattle and be protected always.

Sukta 2
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi, devatha : yagna , chanda : swaradarshi trishtup , swara: - madhyamarishabham dhaivatham)

वसो: पवित्रमसि ध्यौरसि पृथिव्यसि मातरिश्वनो
खर्मोयोसि विश्वाधा आसि
खर्मोयोसि विश्वाधा आसि
परमेण धम्न दृंग म ह्वार्मा ते यज्ञपतिर् ह्वार्षीतीष

vaso: pavithramasi dwaurasi prithivyasi matharishwano
kharmoyosi vishwadha aasi
paramena dhamna drung ma hwarma the yagnapathir hwarsheetheesh

(within the embodiment of purity in comfort, in the divine worlds and the divine wind , the world is being supported. you the one who provides the support for the world along with the yagnaprajapthis do protect us)

Sukta 3
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : savitr , chanda : bhurig jagathi , swara: nishaad)

वसो: पवित्रमसि शतधारं वसो: पवित्रमसि सहस्रधारं
देवस्तवा सविता पुनतु वसो: पवित्रेण शतधारेण
सुप्वा कामधुक्ष:

vaso: pavithramasi shathadhaaram vaso: pavithramasi sahasradhaaram
devastwa savithaa punathu vaso: pavithrena shathadhaarena
supwaa kaamadhuksha:

(savitr , the one who creates the prosperity and power in hundredfold ,let you amplify it to thousandfold streams of the same. the lord who showers the collective energy on you make all your goals realized and make them purified. let all your journey ways are sanctified.)

Sukta 4
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devatha : vishnu , chanda - anustup , swara : gandhara)

स विश्वायु: स विश्वकर्मा स विश्वधया:
इन्द्रस्य त्व भगङ्ग् सोमोनातनच्मि विश्णो हव्यञ् रक्ष

sa vishwaayu: sa vishwakarmaa sa vishwadhayaa:
indrasya twa bhaganng somonathanachmi vishno havyang raksha

( this cow is the base for everything , the soul of universe and one which always is performing the karmas. Oh indra , i offer your part of it to yourself. Oh the ever pervading god (vishnu) , protect the attributed portions of yagna of everyone)

Sukta 5
(rishi : parameshti prajapathi , devata: agni , chanda : archi tristup , swara : madhyama, rishabha dhayeevatha)

अग्ने व्रतपते व्रतं परिष्यामी तच्छकेयम् तन्मे राध्यताम्

agne vruthapathe vrutham parishyami tacchakeyam tanme raadhyatham

( oh the lord of vrutas or austerities , guide me through the divine order of the nature. oh lord please guide me through that divine order of nature which is created by you. let me , the one who never perform anything against divine will ; be always blessed with prosperity)